miercuri, 23 martie 2016

The first day we visited the local authorities, we had a walk through Katerini and then we went to their school.
 The second day we visited ''Olympia Electronics'',an important producer of security devices then, we went to the White Tower which in the past was called ”The Blood Tower” and when we reached the top of the building we had a marvelous view and we saw the Aegean Sea.
On Wednesday we went to school and attended  the CLIL LESSON and students presentations.
On Thursday, we had a walk through the Arheological Park of Dion, after that we had some great experiences on the Olymp Mount and we took a lot of amazing photos.
 The last day, after we presented our material we went outside and played some games and we danced together because that was our last time there. Later, we and all the other kids went to the beach and then we had a little party where we laught a lot, we took photos and we created memories that will last for ever.

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